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English – Writing

Writing Intent

To develop as effective writers, we believe children should be taught to: 

  • Express themselves clearly and precisely for enjoyment;
  • Use knowledge acquired from their range of reading texts to model their writing in the style of different authors and also in different genres;
  • Demonstrate their understanding of how writing enables them to remember, communicate, organise and develop their ideas and information;
  • Write for an increasing range of purposes, matching their language to the needs of the appropriate audience;
  • Have confidence with the formal structures of English, grammatical detail, punctuation and spelling;
  • Write in a neat, joined-up style with accurate spelling and expression;
  • Be able to use a range of independent strategies to take responsibility for their own learning including self-monitoring and self-improvement, such as correcting their own errors;

Detailed writing is encouraged in all subjects to give it a real life context and purpose.

Our approach to teaching writing covers the ‘transcription’ and ‘composition’ requirements of The National Curriculum (2014).

 How we plan writing


Opportunities for developing writing are planned following EYFS guidance and assessed against the Development Matters statements.

Opportunities for early mark making are regularly provided to encourage children to become emergent writing and subsequently early writing through providing frequent, high-quality, skills-based activities and opportunities for writing.

Phonics is taught on a daily basis, using Little Wandle scheme. This provides the children with daily rehearsal of sound talking and writing words. The children learn the names of the different graphemes and are taught the correct formation of letters as part of their lessons

KS1-KS2 :

We use “Herts for Learning” (HfL) Essential Writing planning documents as the basis for our planning for writing as these provide;

  • a clear progressive structure for the class teachers to follow – which includes clear units of work for each term and progression overviews to show how the units are linked and supported;
  • a variety of different genres so that the children experience a breadth of writing opportunities throughout each academic year;
  • an emphasis on purpose, audience and writing outcomes so that the children understand how writing can persuade, inform, entertain, persuade or encourage discussion;
  • coverage of the national Curriculum requirements;
  • scope to support and include all levels of need within a class, thereby allowing “quality first teaching”;
  • grammar modules embedded within HFL scheme rather than discrete lessons

Using the scheme teachers are encouraged to identify gaps and revise and rehearse previous objectives where necessary.

 Writing Implementation

 Most English lessons will include whole class teaching of the learning objective (WALT).Lessons may also include;

  • Teachers modelling writing strategies
  • the use of phonics and spelling strategies. (see below for details)
  • Guided writing sessions to target specific needs of both groups and individuals,
  • Supported writing (do these need to be explained?)
  • Shared writing
  • Independent writing
  • Extended writing opportunities
  • Real books may be used as a stimulus or writing model
  • Drama or talk for writing opportunities

How children are guided to improve during lessons

Children are provided with a range of opportunities to improve their writing during and after the writing lessons. These might include;

  • A range of formative assessment methods (see below) employed by the adults in the classroom to ensure understanding and provide additional support where necessary;
  • RRR (Review, revisit, remember) discussions help children consider previous learning and how they are building upon it in subsequent sessions.
  • Children are encouraged to plan their writing – considering the audience, purpose and intended outcomes.
  • Drafting and editing skills following our non-negotiables and marking policies;
  • Children have access within the classroom to visual aids (writing working walls, handouts, spelling, word list, letter formation cards as applicable to the need and age of the child)
  • LSAs are used effectively to support and extend pupils;
  • Marking after lesson time is used when we wish the children to revisit the objective. In such cases we follow our marking policy which uses symbols to guide children to edit and improve as necessary;
  • Use of class visualiser to show good examples;
  • Children may use the writing TAFS to consider areas that they may need to include;
  • Our disadvantaged children will have clear writing targets to help them focus upon key areas to improve;

Portfolios (authors book) – a termly piece is stored in these to help children monitor how their writing is progressing term by term, year by year.

Writing Impact

 All children should make progress in their writing as they move through the schoolWe assess and track the children’s writing using a variety of both formative and summative methods. These include;

  • Regular writing scrutiny and lesson observations
  • Subject leader learning walks
  • Use of Herts for Learning and Government  TAFs and  assessment criteria
  • Internal data analysis
  • Termly progress meetings – where individual’s progress is discussed
  • End of phase data analysis
  • Small step progress (Pivots) for identified SEND

This informs further implementation in the classroom to meet individual needs.

 How we teach Handwriting

 At St Andrew’s our intent in teaching handwriting are that the pupils will:

  • Achieve a neat, legible style with correctly formed letters in accordance with St. Andrew’s chosen font
  • Develop flow and speed;
  • Eventually produce the letters automatically and in their independent writing


In EYFS handwriting is taught initially through multi-sensory opportunities, such as paint brushes in water on the playground, chalk, mud, use of ribbons, shaving foam, playdough etc. The children are taught the sounds (phoneme) the letters make and the grapheme which represent the sound.  We teach pre-cursive letter formation.

The children are encouraged to develop a tri-point pencil grip as their fine motor skills develop – using “crocodile fingers” to help them learn to pick up their pencils.

Key Stage 1 and 2

Cursive handwriting is taught, with the children learning about the shape and orientation of the letters, joining strokes, spacing between words and  size of capital letters etc.  Children have regular opportunities to practise and have a dedicated handwriting book.

How we teach Phonics

We follow the Little Wandle accredited systematic, synthetic phonics scheme.

Children in our Nursery concentrate on speaking and listening activities, exploring: environmental sounds, instrumental sounds, body percussion (e.g. clapping and stamping), rhythm and rhyme, alliteration, voice sounds and oral blending and segmenting (e.g. hearing that d-o-g makes ‘dog’)

Children in Reception are taught to read and spell words using Phase 2 and 3 GPCs, and words with adjacent consonants (Phase 4) with fluency and accuracy.

Children in Year 1 review Phase 3 and 4 and are taught to read and spell words using Phase 5 GPCs with fluency and accuracy.

We teach phonics for up to 30 minutes a day. In Reception, we build from 10-minute lessons, with additional daily oral blending games, to the full-length lesson as quickly as possible.   We have regular catch-up interventions to support the children who need more support.

How we teach spelling

 From year two and into KS2 the children move towards using their phonic knowledge to help them to understand spelling rules and patterns.

We teach children to use their growing understanding of the morphology and etymology of words to support their spelling. Helping the children to understand how to use and apply known spelling patterns (and to develop strategies to tackle tricky words) is the key to helping them to become successful spellers.

To support this approach we use the HfL Essential Spelling materials to ensure clear progression of subject matter.

Teachers also use weekly spelling tests and dictation passages to drill some of these patterns and apply them contextually. Words are drawn from the National Curriculum Word List for each phase.