- Behaviour and Anti-Bullying Policy (803.04KB)
- Exclusion Policy (945.03KB)
- Home School Agreement EYFS (789.81KB)
- Home School Agreement KS1 (760.61KB)
- Home School Agreement KS2 (758.53KB)
Behaviour Principles Statement
This is a statement of principles of behaviour. For our practice please refer to our Behaviour Policy.
The Governors at St Andrew’s Church of England Primary School, believe that high standards of behaviour lie at the heart of a successful school and enable children to make the best possible progress in all aspects of their school life. Our school vision ‘to learn to love and love to learn; in God’s love each one will shine’ is at the heart of our behaviour principles by affirming and valuing every member of our school community.
We believe that in order for our children to fulfil their potential, whether academic, social, physical, moral or spiritual, they have to feel safe. We follow a programme of Values Education. Through this the children are helped to understand, access and live by Christian Values including love, kindness, consideration, cooperation, friendship, tolerance and forgiveness.
We aim to:
- develop a whole school behaviour policy supported and followed consistently by the whole school community, parents, teachers, children and governors, based on a sense of community and shared values;
- help our children to develop their self-confidence through an ability to manage themselves and to interact with others in a variety of situations;
- apply positive policies to create a caring, inclusive, community atmosphere in which teaching and learning can take place in a safe and happy environment;
- celebrate success in all areas of life and reward appropriate positive behaviour;
- make clear to children the distinction between minor and more serious inappropriate behaviour and the range of consequences that will follow;
- treat problems when they occur in a caring and sympathetic manner;
- regularly train and support staff in their behavioural management.
General Principles
Therapeutic view of behaviour management
The School follows the Hertfordshire STEPS approach which promotes a therapeutic view of behaviour management. Every young person is given an equality of opportunity to develop socially, to learn and to enjoy community life. We understand that:
- Negative experiences create negative feelings.
- Negative feelings create negative behaviour.
- Positive experiences create positive feelings.
- Positive feelings create positive behaviour.
Consistency is key. The School works closely with children and parents to create shared values and beliefs, shared principles of communication and de-escalation, shared risk management and shared opportunities for reparation, reflection and restoration.
All members of staff are aware of the regulations regarding the use of force by teachers, as set out in DfE guidance “Use of Reasonable Force: Advice for headteachers, staff and governing bodies”, April 2013.
Children with Special Educational Needs (SEN)
The school acknowledges its legal duties under the Equality Act 2010, in respect of pupils with special educational needs (SEN). We understand that there may be underlying SEN which may affect a child’s behaviour. We recognise that not all behaviours are a choice and may be driven by a communication need, a perceived outcome or a biological reaction to overwhelming feelings.
Safeguarding Children
We are aware that children who suffer abuse may also exhibit behavioural issues. All adults know that it is everyone’s responsibility to protect and promote the welfare of the children in the school. Staff are vigilant for signs of abuse and know the appropriate procedures if they suspect a child’s behaviour is being affected.
Staff also maintain an attitude of “it could happen here” (Keeping Children Safe in Education) in relation to sexual violence, sexual harassment and peer on peer abuse. They know it can happen inside and outside of school and online.
(Please see DfE “Keeping Children Safe in Education” and the school’s Safeguarding and Child Protection Policies.)
We are aware that times of transition (e.g moving from one class to another, from one key stage to another or changing schools) can be unsettling for some children which, in turn, may lead to social/emotional issues.
The Governing Body has the responsibility of setting down these general guidelines on standards of behaviour, and of reviewing their effectiveness. The governors support the Headteacher in carrying out these guidelines.
It is the responsibility of the Headteacher to implement these principles throughout the school. The Headteacher records and reports regularly to the Governors on the effectiveness of the principles.
The Headteacher will ensure that all staff are clear about the expectations in the behaviour principles and procedures which they should use. Where specific training needs have been identified for particular members of staff, through school self-evaluation and individual performance management reviews, the Headteacher will ensure that those members of staff have access to the advice, training and development opportunities appropriate to their needs
School staff
We believe that high-quality teaching promotes effective learning and pro-social behaviour. Our emphasis will be on recognising and celebrating effort and success, so that all pupils feel valued. We believe that an appropriately structured, but enhanced curriculum and effective learning contribute to good behaviour. Thorough planning for the needs of individual pupils, the active involvement of pupils in their own learning, and structured feed-back all help to minimised the alienation and disaffection which can lie at the root of poor behaviour.
All school staff behave respectfully towards pupils, modelling the expected behaviour.
All school staff will be vigilant for any poor or bullying behaviour and will react appropriately.
We place great importance upon the partnership established between home and school as we believe that by working together with mutual respect and appreciation, we will achieve the best for each child within our school community.
Our Home School Agreement outlines acceptable behavioural expectations and responsibilities that school, parents and children have of each other. There are three different documents that are age-appropriate and issued at the start of each Key Stage (Reception, Year 1, Year 3, and can be found on the school website. https://standrews323.herts.sch.uk/our-school/policies/
We believe our children should;
- be responsible for and govern their own behaviour.
- use the opportunities provided to be a role model and an ambassador for good behaviour.
- follow the school “Three Rules” at all times.
Our Three School Rules are:
- Is it respectful?
- Is it safe?
- Are you ready to learn?