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Headteacher’s Welcome

Welcome to St. Andrew’s Church of England (Voluntary Controlled) Primary School. We are a one-form entry primary school in the historic and fast-expanding village of Stanstead Abbotts in Hertfordshire. The school is popular and often over-subscribed. The standard admissions number is 30 per class.

“Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will send you out to fish for people.” (Matthew 4: 19)

As a Church of England School our vision is led by the example of Jesus and St Andrew; We aim to help the children “Learn to Love, Love to Learn; in God’s love each one will shine.”

We aspire to help your child to “Learn to love” by developing their sense of respect and care for themselves and others.  This links with our three school behaviour questions, which are: Is it safe? Is it respectful? Is it helping us to learn? We aim to work closely with you to ensure that the children are secure, happy and that they behave well both within the school and when they are representing the school at outside events.

We will help your child to “Love to learn”. This means that we will see and encourage their strengths and interests so that they become lifelong learners. We offer an engaging curriculum which helps to develop the children’s sense of enquiry as it builds up their knowledge and skills.  We promote excellence and confidence in all areas to enable each child to fulfil their potential physically, mentally, creatively, socially and spiritually. We also offer a range of enriched opportunities such as art and science weeks, a range of visits and visitors, residential trips and many extra-curricular opportunities which help to offer our children as many opportunities as possible throughout their time at our school.

As a Church of England school, we promote the Christian values and our worship is Christian and Bible-based.  We have strong links with the local parish church of St. Andrew’s and with the Diocese of St. Albans.

We  regularly attend St Andrew’s Church and the clergy team lead assembly in school once a week. In Religious Education the children study major world religions and develop their knowledge of core concepts and questions to become religiously and theologically literate.

We have a very supportive and informed team of Governors behind us and a friendly and active parent group, FOSTA (Friends of St Andrew’s) who contribute greatly to the social life of our children and their families as well as providing school with many ‘extras’ through their tireless fund-raising. Parents/carers are an integral part of our school family and are welcome in school in many volunteer roles.

We are proud of our school and visits are warmly welcomed.  Please contact the School Office for further information.

Mr Michael Speed