- Collective Worship Overview Spring 2025 (537.11KB)
- Collective Worship Overview Autumn 2024 (542.17KB)
- Collective Worship Policy (433.74KB)
As a Church of England school, our worship is an integral part of school life.
Our Collective Worship takes various forms, planned on a termly basis, with regular input from the Faith Factory, to give the children a sense of continuity and relevance. They are child-friendly and interactive. We share stories, Bible readings, songs and hymns as well as times of reflection and of prayer. We aim to develop a sense of spirituality no matter what beliefs our children hold.
Our worship during normal times, follow a set pattern:
- Monday: A Values Lead Collective Worship
- Tuesday: Songs and Worship
- Wednesday: A follow up Values Collective Worship to further discuss and investigate the term’s Value
- Thursday: The church team of St. Andrew’s
- Friday: Our Collective Worship celebrates achievements of the children. Teachers give out ‘You Can Toucan’ awards to children who have demonstrated an improvement in attitude, work or behaviour. Our half-termly, class nominated Values Champions also select children from their class who have lived the Value that week.
Parents do have the right to withdraw their children from Collective Worship and are invited to discuss concerns before making any decision.
Our School Prayer
Dear God,
We pray for our school:
Let peace dwell here.
Let the rooms be full of happiness.
Let love abide here:
Love of one another,
Love of learning,
and love of You.
Let us remember that
Many hands make a house
But many hearts make a school
And that You love and enable us all.