Church School
As a Church of England school, our worship is an integral part of school life. Our Collective Worship takes various forms, planned on a termly basis, with regular input from the Faith Factory, to give the children a sense of continuity and relevance. They are child-friendly and interactive. We share stories, Bible readings, songs and …
In January 2023, as a Church of England School, St Andrew’s was inspected under the SIAMS Framework and was judged to be an “Excellent School.” “A deeply Christian vision is the golden thread that weaves through every aspect of school life. Everyone is enabled to develop within the life-changing, transformational, and loving culture that permeates …
Faith Factory
At St Andrew’s we value the impact of Collective Worship on children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. We offer children many opportunities to participate in daily Collective Worship, such as through speaking and listening, singing and drama and through personal time for thinking, reflection and prayer. Themes and ideas for collective worship are planned …
Christian Values
Christian values are at the heart of this school ‘like writing through a stick of rock.’ Children today live in a complex and confusing world – a world in which progress and self-gain are often achieved only at the expense of understanding and compassion. Our children have to learn to be in that world, to …
St Andrew’s Church
St. Andrew’s is a church school with strong and active links to the local Parish Church of St. Andrew’s (St. Alban’s Diocese), which is in easy walking distance of the school in Cappell Lane. The school goes as a family to St. Andrew’s to worship regularly each year, eg Harvest and Christmas in the Autumn …