Welcome to the Friends of St Andrew’s School (FOSTA) Webpage
Who are FOSTA and what do we do?
We are a group of parents, carers, grandparents, friends and staff of St Andrew’s School who organise events to raise invaluable extra funding which is used by the school to enhance and enrich the children’s school experience. In the school year 2021/22, we raised £9,875 for the school and funded a class set of Chromebooks, subsidised school trips, Living Eggs in Reception, Advent and Easter booklets and other experiences for the children.
Each year group has a parent representative (see bottom of the page) who acts as a conduit between the committee and the other parents from their child’s class.
Every parent with a child in the school is automatically a member of FOSTA and is warmly welcomed to join us at the meetings and to get involved but we understand that it can be difficult to dedicate your time when you have children and busy lives. You could just come along for a meeting to see what we do or commit time to an event by helping to set up or manning a stall. Also, we welcome any suggestions for fundraising ideas, you can do this via your class representative, a committee member, or the School Office.
What has FOSTA done in past years?
These are just some of the events we have run in the past:
- Christmas discos for the children
- Christmas Fayre
- Summer Fete
- Ran sponsor bounces
- School marathon
- Mother’s Day and a Father’s Day sale
- cake sales
What is the money we raise used for?
Money raised has helped support the school in many different ways, these are just some of the events we have run in the past:
- A class set of Chromebooks
- Contributing to the cost of school trips which brings down the cost of for parents.
- Library Books
- Advent & Easter Learning Books
- Living Eggs (Reception)
- Christmas pantomime
- Year 6 leavers’ gifts
Committee Members
Chairs: Poppy Nash
Vice-Chairs: Bianca Brinkley & Tynan Simpson
Treasurer: Anne Washbourn
Secretary: Ruth Chumbley
Class Representatives
Nursery: Charlie Herod & Kim Taylor
Reception: Scarlett Herbert & Hani Matyus
Year 1: Ruth Chumbley & Tynan Simpson
Year 2: Anke Breach, Charlie Herod & Emma Weeks
Year 3: Beth Hickleton & Poppy Nash
Year 4: Bianca Brinkley, Beth Hickleton, Poppy Nash & Emma Weeks
Year 5: Charlie Herod, Tynan Simpson & Emma Weeks
Year 6: Bianca Brinkley & Natalie Bowen