- Rightstart Breakfast Club Letter (375.35KB)
- Rightstart Breakfast Club Medical Form (418.19KB)
RightStart is an early morning activity club including breakfast for St. Andrew’s children from Reception onwards. See Toasties Breakfast Club for information on our Nursery Breakfast Club.
Activities include: games, a quieter area for homework and reading, crafts and a sociable ‘family-style’ breakfast.
Food? There is a varied menu offered. Cereals, toast and jam are always on offer with variable choices of yoghurt, waffles, bagels, pancakes or crumpets and milk or milkshakes to drink. Special diets for medical reasons can be catered for upon request.
When? Every school day from 7.15am – 8.45am. (Excludes INSET days)
Where? In the Dining Hall – drop off at the conservatory entrance.
Who? The club will be run daily by Mrs. Wendy Randall and Mr McNaughton. Both members of staff are very experienced teaching assistants and hold current Child Protection and First Aid certification and have completed all their relevant safeguarding training.
How to apply? Bookings will be taken on a first come/first served basis via email at rightstart@standrews323.herts.sch.uk. The email should include the following information:
- Child’s name.
- Date of birth.
- Year group.
- Days required each week and time of drop off.
- Any medical conditions (You will also have to complete the additional medical form above).
- Any food allergies or special dietary requirements.
- Emergency contact details.
- Any additional relevant information.
How much?
Fees will be payable in advance on a half-termly basis and are to be paid in the first week.
The costs are £6 per session.
This is a flat rate. There are no sibling discounts. If a child misses a session there will be no refunds. Children may attend for part sessions e.g. from 8.00am, for the same price.
Payments can be made payable via:
- WisePay
- One of the following childcare voucher schemes: Computershare, Busybees, Edenred, Apple Childcare, care-4, Kiddivouchers, Sodexo or the Government scheme. Should you have any enquiries please contact the School Office.
Free School Meals: Parents whose children are in receipt of Free School Meals (or have been told that they are eligible for these) can attend free of charge. Please check with the school office to confirm your child’s eligibility.